Peppermint Patty Ice Cream

In by Madison Mayberry8 Comments

I bopped into Williams-Sonoma a couple weeks ago to make a few returns and came out with this amazing ice cream book. I was on the hunt for David Lebovitz’s The Perfect Scoop, but when they didn’t have it, I settled on another option that looked equally as impressive: Jeni’s Splendid Ice Creams At Home. Upon browsing through the ice cream recipes, I was immediately struck by the fact that most of the recipes were different than those I had … Read More

Parmesan Roasted Asparagus

In by Madison Mayberry8 Comments

It’s been hot in this part of the country lately. We’re talking majorly hot for Iowa, and pretty humid, too. But that hasn’t stopped me from firing up the oven and roasting some asparagus. Thank goodness for air conditioning. Summer or winter, it doesn’t really matter to me. Roasting is an absolute necessity in my everyday cooking, mainly because it’s easy and requires very little hands-on time. But you already know how much I love roasting, don’t you? I make … Read More

What I Ate Tuesday…

In Uncategorized by Madison Mayberry9 Comments

  It’s been a while since I posted a daily food log. Now that I’m back at work and settled into real life again, I figured it was high time I shared. Breakfast*2 slices whole wheat toast spread with 1 tablespoon natural peanut butter each and 1/2 sliced banana*Almond milk latte Mid-morning snack*Vitamin Water Zero  *Taste panel day at work so I sampled a few small bites of a few different recipes. Lunch*2 cups chopped Romaine lettuce*2 tablespoons honey-roasted peanuts*1 … Read More

This Week….

In Uncategorized by Madison Mayberry6 Comments

Last weekend I… 1. Made a pasta bake filled with veggies, multigrain pasta and sausage (on the right, for him) in hopes that it would be a dinner success. Instead, it was flat, bland and dull. 2. Played every board game we own (well, those suitable for two people) with Joey over the course of two days. 3. Explored our new town while hunting down a disc golf course we spotted online. Joey played and Nutmeg and I walk alonside. … Read More

Coffee Blondies

In Uncategorized by Madison Mayberry10 Comments

  Call me crazy, but I’ve always been more of a vanilla girl than I am chocolate. It’s not exactly as if I would turn down a chocolate dessert (hey, I’m not crazy), but I just prefer the simplicity and clean flavor of a vanilla-centric treat. Personally, I’ve always had a bit of a soft spot for blondies. They often get thought of as the brownie’s less-attractive sibling, but I dare to disagree. What they lack in chocolate they make … Read More

My Beauty Routine

In Uncategorized by Madison Mayberry7 Comments

This isn’t a post I ever thought I would be writing. To be completely honest, I’m pretty low maintenance and definitely find it hard to spend loads of money on expensive beauty products, no matter how wonderful they may be. But when reader Carla e-mailed me asking for my routine, I figured it would make a fun mix-up from my typical recipe-related ramblings. So, here it goes… Neutrogena Naturals Fresh Cleansing + Makeup Remover  Use: Morning and Night  Lately I’ve been … Read More

Coffee Ice Cream

In by Madison Mayberry11 Comments

I’m not going to lie, one of the major perks about getting married had to be all the amazing kitchen gadgets we got from friends and family. It wasn’t that my kitchen was bare and in dire need of pots and pans, but there were a few items that I have had my eye on for some time but was too cheap to actually buy for myself. One of those things being an ice cream maker. Thankfully, our amazing friends … Read More

San Diego Honeymoon: Part 2

In Uncategorized by Madison Mayberry11 Comments

{Catching a San Diego Padres game on a beautiful night in the city} {Vegetarian hot dogs were available at the game, which pretty much made my night!}  {Since neither of us are really baseball fans, we took more pictures than most at the game} {The first part of the next morning was spent watching Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 1 in preparation for part 2 that night!} {During our time on Coronado Island, we stopped at a place … Read More

His and Hers Greek Salad

In by Madison Mayberry7 Comments

Last night I finally made it to the grocery store with Joey and made my first meal in our new kitchen! I’ll admit, the idea of having to plan meals every night and think about what I was going to buy at the grocery store in a more thoughtful manner instead of just winging it concerned me a bit. And no one prepared me for how much milk men go through in a single week! I never really anticipated being … Read More

July 9, 2011

In Uncategorized by Madison Mayberry15 Comments

We’re back from San Diego and getting settled into life in our new digs! Much more on this later, but because Joey’s job and my job are in slightly different locations, we have moved to an adorable little loft apartment in Grinnell, Iowa, a small town that if a half way point between where Joe works and I work. As part of our new living situation, I will be working from a home office two days a week (Monday and … Read More

Adventures in San Diego: Part 1

In Uncategorized by Madison Mayberry11 Comments

{Looking only half awake at the San Diego airport} {We had time to kill before checking into our hotel so we ate an amazing lunch at Zanzibar. Vegetarian egg white omelete and whole grain toast? Yes please!}  {A beautiful fruit and water greeting surprise from my family.} {My handsome hubby enjoying our first dinner in San Diego at La Fiesta. He said if he could have one meal be his last, this meal at La Fiesta would be it.} {Monday … Read More

Just Married!

In Uncategorized by Madison Mayberry25 Comments

  Our special day was truly more beautiful than words can even begin to describe. As soon as I have more photos to share, you better believe I’ll do a complete recap; but for now, I’m just stopping in to say hello from San Diego and give you a quick update with the handful of photos I could get my hands on.    Thank you all for your kind words and support! I can’t wait to share more with you … Read More