This week marks my first-ever trip to Austin, Texas, and my first time attending the International Association of Culinary Professionals (IACP) annual conference. I only have a day under my belt, but already this experience has been rewarding, challenging and incredibly educational. Although most who meet me wouldn’t guess it, I am incredibly shy at times. I think it must have something to do with the fact that I grew up for much of my life as an only … Read More
Protein: Part 2
I got lots of great feedback on my protein post a few weeks ago and found that many of you were surprised to find out how much protein can come from non-meat sources. I think it’s important, vegetarian or not, to know where protein can be found in order to incorporate it into snacks and meals and keep hunger at bay. Although I eat ‘meat replacement’ type foods, such a veggie sausage and veggie burgers, on occasion, today’s meals are … Read More
Cocoa Protein ‘Muffin’
Breakfast is my absolute favorite meal of the day. As strange as it may be, I think about what I’m going to have for breakfast while drifting off to sleep the night before. Breakfast is a big deal around here. In the past I skipped breakfast more times than I’d like to admit, thinking that it was better to avoid racking up calories first thing in the morning. My poor metabolism. Now I aim to eat about 400 to 500 … Read More
Don’t Forget the Pie!
This weekend, among other things, I’m finalizing and photographing the pies we will be serving at our wedding in place of wedding cake. I took an informal poll at the office to get an idea of what types of pie would be the most universally loved, yet interesting enough to capture the taste buds, and I’m happy to report that I think we’ve found a few great options. Recipes themselves will be under wraps until July, but in the meantime, … Read More
Wedding Food
Scenes from our wedding menu tasting this afternoon. Please excuse some less-than-amazing iPhone photos. They don’t come close to doing the food justice. It was surreal getting to taste the food that will be served at our wedding. Our very-real wedding that is coming up in just a handful (6) of weeks. We were hoping to find a balance between healthy food with decent vegetarian options and yummy comfort food that makes everyone feel at ease, as if … Read More
Peanut Butter Cup Pancakes
After talking in my last recipe post about my commitment to sharing more healthy recipes and inspiration from my daily life in food, I know what you must be thinking. Peanut Butter Cup Pancakes? Well, that hardly qualifies as a healthy breakfast. But let me explain. For a while now, pancakes have gotten a bad reputation for being unhealthy and full of empty calories. But with a little tweaking, they can actually be a great way to start your day. … Read More
My Best Friend’s Wedding
Two weeks ago, my beautiful best friend (below, far right) got married. No longer is she Emily Perrel; she is now Emily Krueger! Being able to go through and celebrate this time in life together – both getting married within a two month span – has been so special and her wedding day was truly the most heartfelt and emotional wedding I have ever been a part of. Not to mention she was a stunning bride. So confident, classy and … Read More
Pears in Print
A few weeks ago the nice people over at Easy Canvas Prints contacted me to see if I would be interested in having one of the photographs on my blog made into an 8×10-inch canvas print. Why yes, Easy Canvas Prints, I would love to sample your product. Of course, I told them I couldn’t guarantee a positive review. Just an honest one. Thankfully, the canvas print I recieved of my pears with peanut butter and cinnamon exceeded my expectations … Read More
Vegetarian Sloppy Joes for Two and a Winner!
First, I want to congratulate Laura who is the winner of the Crate and Barrel Giveaway. Laura said… E-mail me ( with your address and I’ll get your gift card on it’s merry way! Secondly, thank you all SO much for your wonderful suggestions about what you would like to see more of on Espresso and Cream. It was helpful to hear directly from you about what types of recipes matter most in your daily lives instead of having to … Read More
Crate & Barrel Gift Card Giveaway!
Happy Thursday, friends! In honor of the fact that it’s almost the weekend, and that I have a bridal shower on Saturday, and that I’ve been checking things off my to-do list like a mad woman, I’m hosting a giveaway for a $30 gift card to Crate & Barrel. Pretty awesome, right? To enter, leave a comment below between now and 10 pm Sunday night answering the following question: “What type of recipes would you like to see more of … Read More
Make Your Own: Chewy Granola Bars
Even though I love my job, working in an office every day has its drawbacks for anyone active and fitness minded. There’s the hours of sitting every day and the cravings to be outside in the summer sunshine. And then there’s the challenge of planning snacks and lunches to take along each day. A few times a week I run home over lunch, but many days I take lunch along. And I always, always pack snacks. Granola bars or protein … Read More
Weekly Grocery Trip
I got an e-mail a few weeks ago from a reader who asked about how I ‘whip up’ meals from items I already have on hand. To be completely honest, I’m not always so sure myself. However, it usually comes down to good grocery shopping and a little creativity. Of course, having a good block of cheese on hand makes things easier, too. For me, grocery shopping is the most successful when I take time to shop at more than … Read More