Guilt-Free Strawberry Fool

In by Madison Mayberry9 Comments

Lately I’ve been on a bit of a strawberry kick. Maybe that’s an understatement since I eat a clam shell container of strawberries a day. Thankfully, strawberries are in abundance and finally at a reasonable price. Something I can’t say eight of the other months out of the year. But as much as I love strawberries, even they need a little bit of love every now and again. Enter the strawberry fool, which is bascially a fancy way of saying … Read More

Peanut Butter-Chocolate Chip Cake Balls

In Uncategorized by Madison Mayberry10 Comments

I didn’t set out to make cake balls, a la Bakarella, but then again, I’m guessing that a lot of cake balls have been made after a cake recipe failed. Thankfully, cake balls and cake pops have become envied, coveted and enjoyed in every Sarbucks around the country. Tuesday night I set out to make peanut butter chocolate chip cupcakes with peanut butter buttercream after reading another inspiring and mouthwatering recipe from The Blue Eyed Bakers. However, instead of following … Read More


In Uncategorized by Madison Mayberry7 Comments

I’m sorry, I really do have a recipe to share with you all. A really sweet, yummy and tempting treat perfect for weekend baking. But, you see, I got in an early morning workout, did a load of laundry, walked Nut and all was going as planned. Just enough time to photograph said delicious treats. But then the bad hair day struck hard and I ran out of time to snap a few pictures. I promise, I’m running home over … Read More

Black and Yellow (er… Pink)

In Uncategorized by Madison Mayberry13 Comments

After some serious prompting by Joey, I finally broke down and ordered business cards for Espresso and Cream. Except instead of ordering a couple hundred, I ended up with a box of 1,500. That’s a whole lot of business cards that I’ll be too embarrassed to ever hand out. Even if I do think they’re pretty cute. If anyone wants to come work for me and hand out business cards, I’ll pay you in cookies. And I’ll let you play … Read More

Ginger Spice Scones

In by Madison Mayberry11 Comments

Whew.  I hope you had a slightly more relaxing weekend than I did and are returning to your schedules refreshed and wide awake. After spending a couple days with Joey and my mom at my apartment, I took off on Saturday, with Nutmeg in tow, for a bridal shower for my best friend up in Minneapolis. It was a whirlwind trip to say the least, but even a few hours with those you love is more than worth the time … Read More

Today I Love…

In Uncategorized by Madison Mayberry5 Comments

{My first true spa experience in Sonoma} This morning I woke up to an inbox full of pictures (some very embarrassing) from childhood courtesy of my step-mom, Andrea (pictured above). Truth be told, everyone in my family hates the phrase ‘step-mom’ or ‘step-sister’ because it doesn’t seem to reflect how close we are as a family, so for now I’ll just be calling her Andrea on Espresso and Cream. Even though some of the pictures were less than flattering, I … Read More

Everyday Broccoli

In by Madison Mayberry11 Comments

Alright, I’ll admit it. I don’t eat broccoli every single day, but I’d be hard-pressed to think of a week in the past year that I didn’t eat broccoli at least once. Call me crazy, but aside from fresh green beans, broccoli is my absolute favorite veggie. So much so that I ate the entire four cups of Everyday Broccoli for dinner last night. And if you are reading this thinking about how much you dislike broccoli, I will make … Read More

Little Feet and Hands

In Uncategorized by Madison Mayberry6 Comments

I’m so unbelievably excited to share that Joey and I are going to have a niece/nephew in October! Goodness, you have no idea how hard it has been not to tell everyone about this amazing news. Amber and Jake (the parents-to-be) told us they were going to have a baby about three and a half weeks ago when we were in Chicago working on their new house and we’ve been signed to secrecy ever since. But now it’s on Facebook … Read More

Grandma Dorothy’s 90th Birthday

In Uncategorized by Madison Mayberry2 Comments

My wonderful grandma turned 90 last month and, of course, our family got together to celebrate the milestone. Over the years I’ve realized that reaching 90 is not easy and most certainly not always fun and games, but I have yet to meet another 90-year-old who is as mentally sharp and intelligent as she is. If you’re ever in Iowa and in search of someone to play a mean game of Scrabble with, I would highly suggest you take up … Read More

Soft and Chewy Snickerdoodles

In by Madison Mayberry12 Comments

Hey everyone! I hope you all had a wonderful weekend and enjoyed some of the wonderful weather we had here in Iowa. It still amazes me that less than a week ago there was snow on the ground and today temps got into the 70’s! Joey, Nutmeg and I spent as much time as possible outside over the past couple days, going on long walks, runs and taking an inaugural (and probably final) trip to the dog park. I’m not … Read More

Peanut Butter Granola

In by Madison Mayberry7 Comments

Happy (almost) weekend, everyone! I don’t know about you, but I sure am ready for a few days to relax with Joey and Nut. Joey has business in Des Moines on Monday morning so he will be staying with me a little longer than usual, and it means we get to have a Sunday night together. I’m ridiculously excited.  I thought it was also high time for me to share what I’ve been eating for breakfast the last couple weeks. … Read More

ABC’s of Me

In Uncategorized by Madison Mayberry13 Comments

A. Age: 23 B. Bed Size: Queen bed that my mom bought me when I graduated from college. It is so darn comfy! C. Chore You Dislike: Putting away clean clothes. I don’t mind washing and folding, just putting away. D. Dogs: Nutmeg, age 4  E. Essential Start to Your Day: Putting my contacts in and starting the day with a cup of coffee F. Favorite Color: Light blue G. Gold or Silver: I’m a silver girl for the most … Read More