Wedding Shoes

In Uncategorized by Madison Mayberry12 Comments

A couple weeks ago, my mom came to do some work on the wedding. We crafted, shopped for decorating supplies and bought my wedding shoes (pictured above)! Since I’m quite tall (just shy of 5’10) I was serious about buying flats or something with a very, very low heel. Typically, I don’t shy away from high heels. Joey is tall (around 6’4) so that’s not an issue, but the last thing I wanted was to look back at my wedding … Read More

The Puppy Post

In Uncategorized by Madison Mayberry16 Comments

Those of you that follow me on Twitter are well aware that last week Joey and I welcomed this little lady into our soon-to-be family. Her name is Nutmeg, and while 4-years-old really isn’t a ‘puppy’ anymore, I have a tendency to call all dogs puppies, no matter the age or size. Little Nut came to us via Florida, where she was one of four family dogs living with my dad, step-mom and little sisters. She is now the only … Read More

Spinach-Basil Pesto

In by Madison Mayberry6 Comments

What a weekend! One of Joey’s groomsmen drove down from Minneapolis to Des Moines for the weekend to spend time with us before the wedding. He travels quite a bit for work and is one hard guy to get a hold of so we were lucky to have a whole weekend with him. Most weekends when Joey and I are together, we tend to go to the same restaurants because we know what we love. But having a guest here … Read More

Weighty Issues

In Uncategorized by Madison Mayberry8 Comments

I never really thought I would be someone who had a set of ‘before’ and ‘after’ photos to share. But here I am, with said set of photos, talking about my journey to health. For a number of reasons, college really wasn’t my favorite stage of life. Growing up I was a habitual early-riser who kept a full schedule of activities and had a gym in my basement. The college routine of late nights, a less than stellar diet and … Read More


In Uncategorized by Madison Mayberry5 Comments

I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again. I am blown away by you all. Your kindness and generosity in light of recent events blew me away, and I’m thrilled to say that together we raised $230 for the Red Cross to go towards disaster relief in Japan! Thank you, so much, to everyone who donated and placed bids on these baked goods. I will be contacting winners today to get the ball rolling. The winners are: My Nutella … Read More

Blog Bake Sale for Disaster Relief

In Uncategorized by Madison Mayberry10 Comments

Can I be completely honest with you?  I’ve been more than a little nervous about this blog bake sale. It’s my first attempt at anything of the sort, dependent on the generosity of the readers of Espresso and Cream. I was more than a bit afraid that it was a silly idea, that no one would be interested in donating or bidding on the baked goods donated. But when some of my awesome readers volunteered their baking expertise with such enthusiasm, … Read More

Roasted Garlic Bread

In by Madison Mayberry2 Comments

When I was sick a couple weeks back, my love for bread and butter was renewed. Bagels, English muffins, toast, the only thing I really wanted to eat was toasted bread and butter in various forms. Typically, I steer clear of bread and pasta that aren’t of the whole wheat variety. But as I learned while I was laying on the couch, unable to cook anything else, I realized that sometimes nothing but good old white bread will cut it. … Read More

High Protein Health-Nut Banana Bread

In by Madison Mayberry7 Comments

I’m always looking for ways to incorporate more protein into each meal and snack I eat. After becoming vegetarian, I knew that finding new protein sources was going to be crucial to my success.  Each day I try to drink a protein shake filled with fruit, Greek yogurt flies out of the refrigerator, and I go through peanut butter faster than I want to admit. And although I enjoy scrambled eggs for lunch or dinner quite often, I can never … Read More

Time For Travel

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Whirlwind 48 hours of travel for work: Check. Managing to stay well-hydrated and getting the recommended servings of fruits and veggies both days: Check. (Thank you CIBO Express and the great little vegetarian-friendly restaurant in the Minneapolis airport!) Coming home and trying a new recipe, only to have it fail: Check. Back to the drawing board. Hope you enjoy these little snippets from my trip. Madison

Brown Butter Angel Hair Pasta

In by Madison Mayberry8 Comments

Note: In light of the recent tragedies in Japan, I am thinking of putting together a virtual bake sale with the proceeds going to disaster relief. If this is something you would be interested in participating in, please send me an e-mail ( so I can gauge interest.  Daylight savings time and a hectic week are really cramping my photo schedule. So instead of bathing my recipes in morning light, I’m photographing my recipe under artificial light in my pajamas … Read More

Leaving On a Jet Plane…

In Uncategorized by Madison Mayberry1 Comment Man this week is busy! I’m taking a quick work trip over the next couple days and to keep you all occupied in my absence,  I’m sharing this lame little video Joey and I made last weekend after a day of home renovation work in Chicago. Please excuse the crazy hair and dark roots. Hey, a little video is better than no video at all, right? I’m second guessing that logic right now. Madison

HGTV Here We Come

In Uncategorized by Madison Mayberry3 Comments

First of all, thanks to all of you who entered the gift card giveaway! I was blown away by all the responses and left with a serious craving for comfort food. I’m thinking there might need to be a comfort food week on Espresso and Cream sometime soon. The winner of the giveaway is Sarah Crosby (comment #43)! Please e-mail me ( with your address and I will get your gift card in the mail. In other news, Joey and … Read More