Brown Butter Angel Hair Pasta

In by Madison Mayberry8 Comments

Note: In light of the recent tragedies in Japan, I am thinking of putting together a virtual bake sale with the proceeds going to disaster relief. If this is something you would be interested in participating in, please send me an e-mail ( so I can gauge interest.  Daylight savings time and a hectic week are really cramping my photo schedule. So instead of bathing my recipes in morning light, I’m photographing my recipe under artificial light in my pajamas … Read More

Leaving On a Jet Plane…

In Uncategorized by Madison Mayberry1 Comment Man this week is busy! I’m taking a quick work trip over the next couple days and to keep you all occupied in my absence,  I’m sharing this lame little video Joey and I made last weekend after a day of home renovation work in Chicago. Please excuse the crazy hair and dark roots. Hey, a little video is better than no video at all, right? I’m second guessing that logic right now. Madison

HGTV Here We Come

In Uncategorized by Madison Mayberry3 Comments

First of all, thanks to all of you who entered the gift card giveaway! I was blown away by all the responses and left with a serious craving for comfort food. I’m thinking there might need to be a comfort food week on Espresso and Cream sometime soon. The winner of the giveaway is Sarah Crosby (comment #43)! Please e-mail me ( with your address and I will get your gift card in the mail. In other news, Joey and … Read More

Gift Card Giveaway

In Uncategorized by Madison Mayberry140 Comments

If you are anything like me, you are in love with Williams-Sonoma. Really, how can you not be? It seems like every time I walk into that store, I leave realizing there are about a hundred things I don’t have in my kitchen that I need. Alas, my eyes are bigger than my tiny apartment kitchen so I usually stick to window-shopping and browsing. Doing a lot of oooh-ing and ahh-ing along the way. Maybe I should get to the … Read More

Fluffer-Nutter Bars

In by Madison Mayberry6 Comments

It has come to my knowledge that there is something called a fluffernutter sandwich. I had heard of such a sandwich before, but was never quite sure if it really existed or if it was just an urban myth. Most certainly no such sandwich was part of my childhood, but then again, I didn’t eat my first peanut butter and jelly sandwich until I was in 7th grade. I was a strange kid. So to satisfy my curiosity, I got … Read More

A Day In The Life: Tuesday’s Eats

In by Madison Mayberry1 Comment

It’s been a while since I’ve shared a little look into what my daily eats look like. Between my six mile run yesterday, lifting and my five mile run today, I’ve been one hungry girl! Mornings start pretty early in my apartment (I’m usually up and making breakfast between 5 and 5:30) and I find myself needing to snack on something every couple of hours to prevent a total blood sugar crash. Breakfast*16 oz. water*Cup of coffee with 2% milk … Read More

Breakfast Roundup

In Uncategorized by Madison Mayberry4 Comments

After being sick with the flu a couple weeks back and eating nothing but buttered toast and bagels for four days straight, I couldn’t wait to get back into a varied, tasty breakfast routine. Believe it or not, it took me a full week and a half for me to crave coffee and pancakes again! If you’re looking to shake up your breakfast, here’s a great place to start: PB&J Buckwheat Crepes Breakfast Enchiladas  Blueberry-Lemon Pancakes Oatmeal Scones with Coconut … Read More

Lemon Parmesan Israeli Couscous

In Uncategorized by Madison Mayberry12 Comments

When I was in college, one of the most wonderful things about going home was knowing that my mom would have a wonderful meal waiting for my arrival. After driving four hours, usually at night after class, there was nothing better than sitting down to a big bowl of hot beef stew with her famous buttermilk biscuits. So when my mom let me know she was going to visit me this weekend to work on wedding crafts, I knew I … Read More

Breakfast Muffies

In by Madison Mayberry7 Comments

You know those special pans you can buy at specialty cooking stores that are designed to help you create muffin tops or ‘muffies’? Yeah, I don’t have one of those pans, but I am most certainly a fan of muffin tops. Unless we’re talking about muffin tops above your jeans. Definitely not a fan of those. The good news about these muffies? They won’t give you a muffin top. In fact, they’re actually quite healthy, made with mashed bananas, whole … Read More

Wacky for Wedding Hair

In Uncategorized by Madison Mayberry13 Comments

I’ve know that lately I’ve been pretty quiet on the wedding front. So quiet, in fact, that maybe you forgot it’s happening all together. Not to worry, it’s still on. It’s just that after thinking it over, I decided that I wanted the big day to be special and filled with lots of surprises for our guests, so the detail-sharing has been staying under wraps for the most part. But today, I felt like talking wedding hair, since it seems … Read More

Chocolate Dumpster Cookies

In by Madison Mayberry7 Comments

I had to work this weekend, and although I love my job, working on a Saturday really isn’t my thing. Unless, of course, you are working on the set of a photo shoot and get to take a bunch of swag, like chocolate and cereal, with you. That helps to make working on a Saturday not so bad. Baking with chocolate isn’t something I do frequently because chocolate is expensive and I find it hard to justify buying something expensive … Read More

Nutella Olive Oil Cake

In by Madison Mayberry6 Comments

I’m terribly undecided about this cake. Which is probably why these images have been sitting on my computer for weeks, taunting me, begging to be posted – or not. It’s not that I didn’t love this cake. In fact, I actually enjoyed it quite a bit. I’m just unsure how others might feel about such a cake. Olive oil and Nutella? Together? Yes, indeed. Since mildly sweet, humble cakes are somewhat of an obsession of mine, this cake won me … Read More